Devlin Associates take a pragmatic approach to each assignment. Where possible, we prefer to begin new projects by meeting the client to discuss their needs and agree a broad strategy for the project.
As a follow up to this preliminary meeting we will prepare a Terms of Reference (ToR), which will include a clear plan of action, expected outcomes and the proposed fees. Assignments can only commence upon written acceptance of the ToR and agreement on terms and conditions.
Our Services Include:
Market Assessment & Evaluation
The business now offers sales support services to European companies that are interested in generating sales in the United Kingdom and the Republic of Ireland.
We are flexible in the level of support available to individual companies in this area; but typically we will assess the market on behalf of the client company, we will identify the channel options, the key players within the relevant sector; if required, we will collect information and samples on the products currently available (including product range, pack sizes and pricing and margin information).
This information will then be presented in a concise report that will allow the business to evaluate market attractiveness and the potential for sustainable & profitable sales.
Sales Development & Sales Agency Services
If the market opportunity seems attractive Devlin Associates can advise on the best sales strategy, develop prospects lists and make initial approaches to distributors or retail groups – with the aim of opening up the sales process and arranging meetings on behalf of the primary manufacturer.
Where necessary, Devlin Associates can offer clients a long term solution in the form of a Sales Agency agreement. This will ensure the manufacturing company has a dedicated and professional representative in the market.
Devlin Associates will maintain direct contact with the customer, will manage the day to day sales processes and be available to liaise with 3rd parties on issues such as product development, legislation, distribution etc.
Business Growth & Sales Support Services
Devlin Associates offer a wide range of practical and hands on sales support services. With a career steeped in sales development Paddy Devlin is very comfortable acting as a business developer for client companies. He has worked across all business sectors but has particular expertise in the Food & Drink Sectors and Construction related products and services.
In recent years he has completed a number of sales generation projects through the likes of Invest NI’s Interim Manager Programme; together with InterTradeIreland’s `Elevate` and `Acumen` Programmes.
Market Research
We offer an extensive research services to help clients evaluate business opportunities from sectoral reviews through to the preparation of market overviews, competitor analysis, prospect list generation.
Where required we will carry out telephone research and sales prospecting activity. If necessary we can meet with potential customers, on behalf of our client, and open discussions relating to business development & long term partnerships.
Strategic Business Reviews
Each strategic business review will be tailored to the needs of the client but typically will involve a detailed analysis of the current business position in terms of products, markets, customers, production and personnel resources and capacity and capability for growth and profit contribution.
The exercise will generate a draft Business Action plan (in PowerPoint format) that will include goals for the year ahead, strategies to ensure objectives are achieved and detailed actions that have to be implemented by market and business function – i.e. Sales & Marketing, HR, Production Processes etc.
Sales Organisation Restructuring
Many sales operations grow organically over time and can become ineffective if not well managed. Typically we will meet with both Management and the sales team to discuss current practices and perceptions therein of current trends and market performance going forward.
We will carry out a detailed analysis of sales by market, customer type and geographical territory to establish performance gaps. On completion of the Sales Audit we will summarise the strengths and weaknesses of the existing sales operation together with the opportunities and threats facing the business going forward.
We will work with the person with overall responsibility to develop a Sales Plan for future growth. The Sales Plan will involve setting sales targets, agreeing sales strategies and allocating roles and responsibilities to individual personnel. We will also review and establish procedures for effective sales management based on agreed Key Performance Indicators.
Strategic Marketing Planning
We have considerable experience in supporting businesses as they develop Strategic Marketing plans. In such cases we will focus on introducing a strategic approach to business development.
We will show clients how to minimise the impact of business weaknesses and market threats while helping them to agree strategies that will build on their strengths and maximise the opportunities that exist within the market place.
Marketing & Promotional Advisory Services
This is a practical service that encourages businesses to develop cost efficient and effective Marketing action plans. Our aim is to ensure businesses invest their Marketing Budget in activities that deliver the right communication to sectors that offer the greatest return while limiting waste in terms of promotional spend.
We offer a signposting service for clients who require the services of graphic and web designers, specialists in areas such as SEO, web promotion, social media campaigns, tele-marketing printing and POS materials.
Business Mentoring
Our business mentoring services are targeted at business owners who require access to a confidential and independent sounding board. The service allows clients to discuss current issues or problems, evaluate the options available to them and when required, help develop and implement short term action plans that will resolve the issues in question.
Preparation of Feasibility Studies, Business Plans and Funding Applications
We are highly experienced in the researching, preparation and the writing of business plans and feasibility studies. We regularly work with clients in the completion of grant applications through various government enterprise agencies
Sales & Marketing Training
Finally, we offer a range of training services for private business clients and government support agencies. The training combines current management theory with practical industrial experience. The workshops are supported with a wealth of locally based case studies, video clips and practical exercises throughout.
If you would like to discuss any of the services, please contact us on Tel. 02882 243129 (UK) or +44 2882 243129 (Europe). Alternatively, email us or complete our enquiry form.